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Applying for a job? Here are the do’s and don’ts you need to remember

Here are the do’s and don’ts you need to remember when applying for a job

With the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI), thousands of graduates every year, and professionals upskilling, while the number of jobs keeps getting small, the job market has never become so competitive today. 

That is why looking and applying for a job can be tough and challenging. Thus, whether you are a fresh graduate eager to kickstart your career, or a seasoned professional looking for new opportunities, here are some career tips that you need to consider. 


Applying for a job is not just about sending resumes and attending job interviews. There are rules that you need to follow if you want to be successful in securing that job. 


So let’s explore each of them to get you better prepared. 


Do this during a job search


1. Do set your goals and values

Before searching for a job, take time to reflect on your career goals and personal values. Ask yourself, what do you want to do for your career? What type of company do you want to work for? Knowing your career goals and personal values can help you find the right company. It is not enough that you find the company. It is important that the values of that company are aligned with yours. This way, you have a great chance of being with the company for a long time. 

One of the reasons why employees leave their jobs is because their values are not aligned with their company’s. That is why after months or few years of working, they end up living and looking for another employment. 


So take time and consider what’s important to you and your career and focus on that while doing your job search. 


2. Do prepare your resume

Resume writing can be a bit challenging. But your resume is your key to entering the best jobs. So take time in crafting your resume. 


Aside from that, make sure to craft your resume that aligns with the company you want to apply to. Highlight relevant skills, experiences and achievements that align with what the company is looking for. 


Check the job description and include relevant keywords on your resume. Most companies and recruitment firms use an automated applicant tracking system (ATS) to filter applicants. You don’t want to get filtered out just because you forgot to check the job description and include important keywords on your resume. 


3. Do take time to create an impressive LinkedIn profile

In this day and age, having a LinkedIn Profile is a must especially if you are looking for a job. 


Take time to ensure that your profile is complete and professional and that highlights and showcases your skills and accomplishments. You also need to connect with professionals in your industry. It also pays to join relevant groups and share relevant content as well as engage in meaningful conversation to expand your network. 


Your LinkedIn profile is a very powerful tool. With a complete and impressive profile, you can land great opportunities without even looking. Most of the time, hiring managers and recruiters spend a lot of time looking for professionals on LinkedIn. So make sure to put yourself out there. 


4. Do learn to network

Improve your chances of getting the right job by expanding your network. Make sure to attend industry events and connect with professionals on LinkedIn. Networking can open doors to great job opportunities. So take time to shake hands and connect with professionals. 


5. Do research on your prospective employers

Don’t just apply to random companies. Remember, know your career goals and values and match them with the company you want to work for. Once you find that company, learn to research everything about them. Understand their values, mission, and culture. Then tailor your resume that will match to what they are looking for. Also, showcase your genuine interest in being a part of their organization. 


6. Do prepare for interviews

Congratulations! You were able to get a job interview. But don’t be too confident. Your job search journey has not yet ended. You need to prepare for the interview. Research the company’s most recent achievements and challenges, so you are prepared when the interviewer or hiring manager asks you about their organization. 


During an interview, it is also important that you highlight your skills and achievements and how you can be an asset to the company. 


7. Do a follow-up after the interview

Was it days or weeks? Since your last interview? Learn to follow up. Sometimes hiring managers can be so busy that they don’t have time to update and contact applicants anymore. That is why, be proactive and ask for the status of your application. 


You can send a thank you email within 24 hours after the interview. In this email, express your gratitude and the opportunity they’ve given you. This not only shows your appreciation but also keeps you on the hiring manager’s radar. 


8. Do be positive

Searching and applying for a job can be both exciting and daunting. It can also be heartbreaking especially if you didn’t get the job. But with all these experiences, you need to stay positive and persistent. You need to remember that rejection is part of the process. But it doesn’t mean an end. Keep refining your approach based on feedback and changing market trends. 


9. Do continue to upskill

Job search can take a while. So while you are at it, continue to develop your skills and learn new ones. It can help you be more competitive and relevant in your industry. You can attend workshops, take online courses, and obtain certifications to enhance your credentials and qualifications. New skills and certifications are very appealing to employers. 


10. Do ask for feedback

If you continue to face rejections, consider asking for feedback from mentors, career coaches, or industry professionals. Your continuous rejections may be telling you something that you don’t know. That is why it is important to assess and look for possible ways to improve through asking for feedback. 


Constructive criticism can help you identify areas for improvement that can help you be better with your job search strategy. 


These are the top things that you need to do when you are looking for a job. It is important to consider these things to ensure the success of your job search. On the other hand, you might be doing some things that prevent you from getting your dream job. So here are some of the things that you should not do during the job search.


Don’t do this during a job search


1. Don’t apply for every job

If you think applying to every job will increase your chances of getting a job, you are wrong. It can be tempting to apply for every job opening that you see on the internet, but it won’t help you in landing the right career. Just focus on the roles that align with your skills and career goals. Quality over quantity is the key when it comes to job applications. 


Just imagine the number of resumes that you need to customize just to fit in all the job applications you want to apply for. Also, you can get lost in finding the one that is right for you. 


2. Don’t skip cover letters

You may think that cover letters are an extra job that you need to do. After crafting that elaborate resume, you still need to do extra work for the cover letter. But you may miss some great opportunities when you neglect to send one. 


With a cover letter, you can showcase your personality and explain how your experiences align with the position you are applying for.


So make sure to craft a well-written cover letter for the roles that specifically request one. 


3. Don’t use a generic resume

Using a generic resume is a no-no. Don’t treat your resume as one-size-fits-all. If you want to land a really good job, make sure to tailor and customize your resume for each application. You need to emphasize the skills and experiences that are most relevant to each company you are applying for. 


This effort can increase your chances of passing through ATS and catching the hiring manager’s interest. 


4. Don’t neglect your online presence

Be proactive in creating your online presence, especially your LinkedIn profile. Hiring managers and recruiters often check social media profiles during the hiring process. So make sure to have an impressive and professional profile that aligns with the image that you want to portray to potential employers. 


Also, avoid uploading or posting inappropriate content that may harm your chances of getting hired. 


5. Don’t burn bridges

Always treat connections and interactions as opportunities. So make sure you don’t burn bridges with your friends, colleagues, potential employers, recruiters or networking contacts. 


Burning bridges by being disrespectful and unprofessional can harm your career and status on the job market. 


6. Don’t miss networking opportunities

Too tired or lazy to attend networking events? You may be missing a lot of good opportunities and meeting amazing people that can be valuable to your career. So make sure to always show up whether it is an informal or formal event, or an online or offline catch-up. Every catch-up can lead to a valuable connection that may lead to a great job opportunity. 


7. Don’t forget to follow up

Some applicants are too afraid or shy to do a follow-up after an interview. However, doing a follow-up is critical in increasing your chances of getting hired. As mentioned, follow-up is an opportunity to thank the hiring manager for the chance they gave you to showcase your potential as well as be memorable to them. Remember, these hiring managers are screening and filtering a lot of applicants a day, and a follow-up can go a long way in getting remembered. 


8. Don’t ever lie on your resume

Honesty and transparency are very crucial during the job search process. Anything that you write on your resume and say on job interviews will be taken as true. Thus, if you lie it can lead to severe consequences including termination if you ever get hired. 


9. Don’t neglect self-care

Job search can be exhausting and draining. Plus, rejections can also drain the last hope in you. That is why, during the whole process, don’t forget to take care of yourself. Take time to take breaks, exercise and engage in activities that spark joy. You also need to eat a balanced and healthy diet and have a positive mindset to be more resilient and focus on your goals. 


10. Don’t ignore industry trends

Change is very fast today. That is why you need to stay informed about industry trends, and emerging technologies. Ignoring these changes and trends can make you unprepared for the evolving job market and make it harder for you to compete with other candidates. 


Job searching is not just about looking for a job post, sending a resume and waiting for a job interview. It requires a combination of strategy, preparation and resilience. Following these do’s and don’ts can enhance your chances of finding the right job that you will love. 


Also remember that the job search process is not just about employment but also about personal growth, learning and building a career that you can be proud of. 

If you like tips like this, make sure to subscribe to our website. You can also explore our job vacancies today, simply send us your resume and brief cover letter highlighting your skills and qualifications at

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